Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2020-2021 - Climate extremes and analogues: the Holocene optimum (continued)

2019-2020 - Climate extremes and analogues: the Holocene optimum

2018-2019 - Extreme climates and current analogues: from the last millennia to the Holocene optimum

2017-2018 - Extreme and analogous climates today: the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Optimum

2014-2015 - Climate change and the continental carbon cycle

2013-2014 - The ocean and climate change. Feedbacks from the ocean carbon cycle

2012-2013 - The ocean and climate change. Interactions with marine chemistry and biology

2011-2012 - The ocean and climate change; variations in ocean circulation

2010-2011 - The ocean and climate change; sea-level variations

2009-2010 - No lectures this year

2008-2009 - Abrupt climate changes and glaciations

2007-2008 - Climate history: from Eocene warmth to Pleistocene glaciation

2006-2007 - Climate history from the first ages of the Earth to the Tertiary era

2005-2006 - Geological climate forcings

2004-2005 - External forcings of the climate system

2003-2004 - Impact of rapid climate variability on continents

2002-2003 - Abrupt climate changes and their manifestations in the ocean