Dominique Kerouedan is a doctor of medicine, appointed as an intern in 1985 after passing the internship examination in the medical research field, with a doctorate in science, specializing in epidemiology and public health, a master's degree in public health from the University of California Berkeley, a master's degree in medical research from the University of Paris 6, a law degree, and several university diplomas (health and development, European health policies, nutrition). After growing up in West Africa, she went to school in London and studied at the Saint-Antoine medical school in Paris, during which time she completed internships in Dakar, Brazzaville, Franceville, Rwanda and the French West Indies. During her medical research specialization, she contributed to the first epidemiological studies analyzing the modes of transmission of the AIDS virus in Africa and the French West Indies during the emergence of the pandemic in the second half of the 1980s.
For over twenty-five years, she has worked in support of healthcare policies and systems in developing countries, in contexts of humanitarian medicine (Afghan refugees in Pakistan, Karen refugees in Burma, street children and prisoners in Madagascar), or health and development (AIDS program in Côte d'Ivoire, reform of healthcare systems in Madagascar, or evaluation of health-related development aid programs and strategies).
An independent expert in international health for over ten years, she has contributed to the evaluation of France's policies (MAEE and AFD) to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, as part of the work carried out by the Haut Conseil de la coopération internationale in 2002, commissioned by the Prime Minister to MP Dr Pierre Morange in 2004, by the government to Professor Philippe Kourilsky in 2006, and by the ESTHER France and ESTHER Europe Initiatives. Returning to Europe in the 2000s, while regularly returning on mission to Africa, she acquired political and operational knowledge of the European Development Fund (ACP Secretariat in Brussels, Benin, English-speaking Caribbean), the World Bank (Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea, PPP), uNAIDS (Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (countries, evaluation), German and American cooperation, from which she has developed analyses relating to global health governance and, more recently, the geopolitical stakes of global health.