Born in Paris in 1955 of Chinese parents, Anne Cheng completed a full course at the Ecole de la République, nurtured by classical and European humanities, all the way to the École normale supérieure, before choosing to devote herself entirely to Chinese studies. For over forty years, she has been teaching and researching Chinese Intellectual History, and Confucianism in particular, first at the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), then at the Inalco (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales), before being appointed to the Institut universitaire de France and, shortly afterwards, elected to the Collège de France.
Her books include a French translation of the Entretiens de Confucius, a study of early imperial Confucianism and a Histoire de la pensée chinoise, which has been translated into numerous European and Eastern languages. She has also edited several collective works, including La pensée en Chine aujourd'hui (Gallimard, 2007), Lectures et usages de la Grande Étude : Chine, Corée, Japon (Collège de France, 2015), India-China : Intersecting Universalities (OpenEdition Books, 2020), Historians of Asia on Political Violence (OpenEdition Books, 2021), Penser en Chine (Gallimard, 2021), Autour du Traité des rites (Hémisphères, 2022).
Since 2010, she has been co-director of the Budé chinois collection at Belles Lettres.