Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Yuri Avvakumov

Architect, artist, curator. Born in Tiraspol in 1957. Lives in Moscow since 1968. Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute in 1981. Participates in architectural and art exhibitions since 1982.

In 1984 Avvakumov introduced the term PAPER ARCHITECTURE to designate the genre of conceptual design in the USSR in the 1980s. Curated exhibitions of PAPER ARCHITECTURE in Moscow, Ljubljana, Paris, Frankfurt, Milan, Cologne, Brussels, etc.

Works a lot with the heritage of the Russian avant-garde, reconstructs the architecton of Malevich in 2002. In 1986 began a series of TEMPORARY MONUMENTS dedicated to the Russian avant-garde and its heroes Tatlin, Lisitsky, Mayakovsky, and others.

Took part in Venice Biennales with installations "Russian Utopia. Depository" (Russian Pavilion, 1996) and "BornHouse" (San Stae, 2008).

Recently focused on the museum design e.g. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.


Yuri Avvakumov

Architect, artist, curator, Moscow