Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Live simultaneous interpretation in French.

Philippe Aghion

Professor at the Collège de France and the London School of Economics, Philippe Aghion is also a member of the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

His work focuses on growth theory and the economics of innovation. With Peter Howitt, he developed the "Schumpeterian theory" of economic growth. His French-language publications include Théorie de la croissance endogène (with Peter Howitt, MIT Press, 1998; translated by Dunod, 2001) ; Les leviers de la croissance française (with G. Cette, E. Cohen and J. Pisani-Ferry, La Documentation française, 2007); L'Économie de la croissance (with P. Howitt, MIT Press, 2009; translated by Economica, 2010); Repenser l'État (with A. Roulet, Éditions du Seuil, 2011); Changer de modèle (with G. Cette and E. Cohen, Odile Jacob, 2014); Repenser la croissance économique (Fayard, 2016).

In 2001, Philippe Aghion was awarded the Yrjo Jahnsson Prize for the best European economist under 45. He was also awarded the John Von Neumann Prize in 2009, and the Global Entrepreneurship Award in 2016. In 2017,thanks to his IFDG project, Professor Aghion was awarded the ERC Advanced Grants program.
