Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Conference in English.


Empires defined:

  • Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper, Empires in world history. Power and the politics of difference (Princeton, 2010)

The "accidental empire" of the Spanish Habsburgs and its problems

  • The four inheritances of Charles V (1516-56): Austria; Burgundy; Castile; Aragon
  • Philip II (1556-98): "Non sufficit orbis"
  • Problematic inheritance, or probematic monarchs?

Poisoned chalices

  • Sub-imperial agendas ("Obedezco pero no cumplo")
  • Distance: Public Enemy Number 1

Information overload

  • The transition from delegation to micro-management
  • Taking refuge in "menudencias" (trivia)

The special challenge of wartime:

  • Robert McNamara and "A blizzard of problems"
  • Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Domino Theories and Blind Faith

  • Trading land for peace: Archdukes Albert and Isabella (1598-1621)
  • Waiting for miracles

The rising "incest coefficient

  • Sowing the seeds of your own destruction


Geoffrey Parker

Ohio State University