Moderated by : Rola El Husseini
- What were the Arab Springs all about? (Jean-François Bayart)
- Knowledge and memory in the context of the December revolution in Sudan (Abdel-Wahab Al Afandi)
- In the shadow of Algeria's elites: what transition for Algeria (Hasni Abidi)
This second round table looks at the Arab world as a laboratory for developing and negotiating new forms of relationship with politics. The debate will explore the renewal of repertoires of collective and political action (mobilization processes, the role of parties, reconfiguration of modes of engagement through the use of digital tools, widening the scope of commitment, etc.).
- What is a democrat in the Arab world today? Figures of commitment: militants, activists, ultras, etc. What social categories today call themselves social democrats? What role can democratic political forces play in the transition period?
- What are the differences between the implementation of democratic reforms from above and the practical application of democracy by popular movements? Which model for which Arab countries?
- What are the main factors driving social movements towards democratic demands?
- What are the new forms taken by social movements in the context of contemporary technological developments?
- How are social movements coping with the sectarian factor and the military's hold on society?