9 Nov 2015 09:45 - 10:15 Symposium Observing the ocean and its role in climate Pierre-Yves Le Traon Climate, energy and society : Collège de France and COP21 9 Nov 2015 09:45 - 10:15 Share Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copy url Audio-visual RSS
Monday 9 November 2015 Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot Open to all 09:45 - 10:15 Skip youtube video player Speaker(s) Pierre-Yves Le Traon IFREMER & Mercator Ocean, Toulouse Events Previous Symposium 9 Nov 2015 08:45 - 09:10 Alain Prochiantz et Thierry Mandon Opening Symposium 9 Nov 2015 09:10 - 09:15 Edouard Bard Climate session opens Symposium 9 Nov 2015 09:15 - 09:45 Éric Rignot Polar ice observation Symposium 9 Nov 2015 09:45 - 10:15 Pierre-Yves Le Traon Observing the ocean and its role in climate Symposium 9 Nov 2015 10:15 - 10:45 Jochem Marotzke Modeling and forecasting climate system evolution Symposium 9 Nov 2015 10:45 - 11:15 Edouard Bard Short- and long-term evolution of the climate system Symposium 9 Nov 2015 11:15 - 11:20 Jean-Marie Tarascon Opening of the energy session Symposium 9 Nov 2015 11:20 - 11:45 Marc Fontecave What to do withCO2 ? Chemistry ! Symposium 9 Nov 2015 11:45 - 12:15 Daniel Lincot Photovoltaic solar : a major energy source for the energy transition Symposium 9 Nov 2015 12:15 - 12:45 Jean-Marie Tarascon Energy storage via batteries : what does the future hold ? Symposium 9 Nov 2015 14:25 - 14:30 Philippe Descola Opening session on the company Symposium 9 Nov 2015 14:30 - 15:00 Roger Guesnerie Economics of climate change Symposium 9 Nov 2015 15:00 - 16:00 Mireille Delmas-Marty Legal instruments for climate policies Symposium 9 Nov 2015 15:30 - 16:30 Philippe Descola Thinking the Anthropocene Symposium 9 Nov 2015 16:30 - 17:30 Monsieur le Président de la République, Édouard Bard, Philippe Descola, Jean-Marie Tarascon et Alain Prochiantz Round table Next See also Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Climate, energy and society : Collège de France and COP21
Symposium 9 Nov 2015 11:45 - 12:15 Daniel Lincot Photovoltaic solar : a major energy source for the energy transition
Symposium 9 Nov 2015 12:15 - 12:45 Jean-Marie Tarascon Energy storage via batteries : what does the future hold ?
Symposium 9 Nov 2015 16:30 - 17:30 Monsieur le Président de la République, Édouard Bard, Philippe Descola, Jean-Marie Tarascon et Alain Prochiantz Round table