See also:

As part of the commemorations surrounding the centenary of the death of the great philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the Chair of Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge wishes to place particular emphasis on two features at the heart of this monumental work: logic and metaphysics. By directly confronting questions specific to these two fields, to which Peirce himself dedicated his life, this colloquium aims to reveal the full depth and fruitfulness of this major thought in contemporary philosophy.

On this occasion, the Chair also wishes to pay tribute to long-standing collaborations and to a strong, informed and rigorous Finnish tradition of Peircean studies. Indeed, to pursue the Peircian heritage is to resist a twofold, philosophically fatal temptation: the temptation to confine oneself to a system of echoes and internal correspondences ad nauseam; and the temptation, which is in truth only the other side of the coin, to turn this system into an analytical grid that would be "applicable" ad infinitum, and without great expenditure of sagacity, to the most diverse questions and, if possible, those furthest removed from those that really preoccupied the great logician and metaphysician from Milford.

Please note that the proceedings will be conducted in English, due to the international provenance of a number of participants.
