Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Discussant : Valérie Stiegler

Olivier Roy

Olivier Roy is a professor at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. A political scientist specializing in political Islam, he first focused on Afghanistan, then studied Islamist political movements, first in Central Asia, then in the Middle East. Olivier Roy then extended his thinking to questions linked to contemporary Islam, but also to society as a whole, as in his latest work L'Aplatissement du monde, la crise de la culture et l'empire des normes (Seuil, 2022). He is also the author of numerous essays, including L'Islam mondialisé (Seuil, 2002 and " Points Essais ", 2004), La Sainte Ignorance. Le temps de la religion sans culture (Seuil 2008 and " Points Essais ", 2012), En quête de l'Orient perdu (Seuil 2014 and " Points Essais ", 2017), L'Europe est-elle chrétienne ?(Seuil, 2019).

Stéphane Lacroix

Stéphane Lacroix is a political scientist, professor at Sciences Po's School of International Affairs (PSIA), co-director of the Chair of Religious Studies at Sciences Po and researcher at CERI. He is the author of numerous works on Saudi Arabia, Egypt and political Islam, including Awakening Islam. The Politics of Religious Dissent in Contemporary Saudi Arabia (Harvard University Press, 2011), Les Islamistes saoudiens. Une insurrection manquée (PUF, 2010) and more recently Perspectives comparées sur les politiques de lutte contre la radicalisation, edited with Juliette Galonnier and Nadia Marzouki (Presses de Sciences Po, 2022).

Valérie Stiegler

Valérie Stiegler is a doctoral student at the University of Paris  IPanthéon-Sorbonne, associated with the Contemporary History of the Arab Worldchair. Her research focuses on Georges Pompidou's Mediterranean policy during his presidential term (1969-1974). She has just published "  M.  Kadhafivu par la diplomatie française " in the collective work Fréquenter les infréquentables. Le choix des interlocuteurs en diplomatie (CNRS Éditions, 2023).


Olivier Roy

Professor at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy)

Stéphane Lacroix

Political scientist, professor at Sciences Po's School of International Affairs (PSIA), co-director of the Chair of Religious Studies at Sciences Po, researcher at CERI