The two conferences will draw on the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in particular the relevant sections of the latest report, in an attempt to identify and discuss any implicit or underlying values, preferences and models presiding over the transition from diagnoses to recommendations suggested by the IPCC.
Laurent Fonbaustier

Laurent Fonbaustier was appointed Associate Professor of Law in 2000, and has been at the University of Paris-Saclay since 2004. He is responsible for a master's degree in " environmental law ". He directs the " Droit, sciences & environnement " collection published by Mare & Martin. His academic interests lie in two areas orders : historically, the influence of ecclesio-political models on the modern state ; since 2001, the integration of ecological issues into legal systems has been his main focus. He has published and coordinated several books and some one hundred and fifty articles.
Laurent Fonbaustier is the author of Manuel de droit de l'environnement, Puf, coll. " Droit fondamental ",2nd edition, 2020.