" Agir pour l'éducation " is the collective action of the professors at the Collège de France as they seek to provide answers to the challenges facing the French education system. The aim is to understand, advise and act in all their areas of expertise, using a scientific approach open to dialogue between disciplines, and in contact with those involved in education and students.
One of today's greatest challenges is mathematics. Notoriously difficult, but also a source of beauty, mystery and enthusiasm, mathematics is losing the interest of many students. Even more worrying is the fact that, over the past thirty years, surveys have shown a steady decline in student performance, particularly in numeracy and problem-solving, which, according to the TIMSS survey, places France at the bottom of the European league table.
With this in mind, in 2025, the Collège de France is offering a new lecture series " Agir pour l'éducation " organized by Stanislas Dehaene, Stéphane Mallat and Pierre-Michel Menge, around the following theme : " Reenchanting maths at school".

The Agir pour l'éducationinitiative is supported by the Collège de France Foundation and its patrons.