See also:

Who or what can we say we are "close to" in this year, when the term "distancing" has come to the fore on every continent? The first thing that comes to mind is the urgent need to forge closer ties, to re-establish or create new solidarities in the face of divisions of all kinds, and the ideas and tools needed to do so, as a counterweight to the dissolution of ties and individualist or nationalist withdrawal. But this requirement must be accompanied by a reflection on the very idea of distance, on its perceptive, cognitive and mathematical foundations, and on its extraordinary use, both theoretical and practical, in the multiplication of maps that cover our world, tracing its borders and limits but also enabling us to model it, understand it and act on it. Finally, we need to know whether there is a "right distance", a point of view that is neither too far nor too close, from which we can better understand, appreciate and love ourselves, others, objects and the world's cultures This question also applies to researchers, journalists, cultural mediators, and all those whose job it is to create mediation, to build links for a common world where differences are articulated rather than opposed.

Night of Ideas 2021French InstituteNuit des idées 2021 partners


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RFI is a French news radio station, broadcasting worldwide in French and 16 other languages*, via 154 FM relays, shortwave, some 30 satellites to all five continents, the Internet and connected applications, with more than 1,700 radio partners carrying its programs. Thanks to the expertise of its Paris-based editorial teams and its network of 400 correspondents, RFI offers its audiences news and magazine programs that provide the keys to understanding the world. The global radio station brings together 46.5 million listeners measured every week, and its digital environments record 20.9 million visits every month (average 2019) as well as 23.8 million subscribers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (January 2020).

See also