Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Philippe Aghion is Professor of Economics at Harvard University. In 2001, he received the Yrjo Jahnsson Award for the best European economist under 45.

His work focuses on growth theory and the knowledge economy, and with Peter Howitt he developed the "Schumpeterian theory" of economic growth. His French-language publications include La Théorie de la croissance endogène (with Peter Howitt, MIT Press, 1998; translated by Dunod, 2001); Les leviers de la croissance française (with G. Cette, E. Cohen and J. Pisani-Ferry, La Documentation Française, 2007); L'économie de la croissance (with P. Howitt, MIT Press, 2009; translated by Economica, 2010), Croissance et crise: une stratégie pour la France (with G. Cette, E. Cohen and M. Lemoine, La Documentation Française, 2011); Repenser l'État (with A. Roulet, Éditions du Seuil, 2011); and Changer de modèle (with G. Cette and E. Cohen, Odile Jacob, 2014).
