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Knowledge of ancient Egyptian essential.

The seminar ties in with the 2023-2024 lecture entitled " Osiris, un dieu pour les vivants ", with a particular focus on Osirian images, which are extremely diverse (in terms of figurations, supports, materials, contexts, chronologies, sponsors, ritual uses, names, etc.). The preferred angle of attack here is that of the anthropology of images, a field of study that has developed considerably over the last few decades (see, in particular, contributions by H. Belting ; H. Bredekamp ; P. Descola ; A. Dierkens, G. Bartholeyns and T. Golsenne ; D. Freedberg, A. Gell, J.-P. Vernant), and has influenced Egyptological research (see, for example, the work of J. Assmann, S. Donnat, F. Dunand, R. Nyord, Y. Volokhine).

The question that will guide us in this seminar is that of the " power " of Osirian images. What power is attributed to them ? How is it characterized ? In what contexts does it manifest itself ?

The first sessions are devoted to the analysis of the ritual of the " fin de l'ouvrage " preserved on the Salt papyrus 825 (XXVIth dynasty) and to the translation of certain passages that highlight on the one hand the annual production of Osiris figurines as part of the Abydenian House of Life, which is essential for preserving life and maintaining cosmic balance, and the role of the papyrus bearing the ritual as a protective amulet. Extensive comments are devoted to the " annual figures " of Osiris and to the anthropological analyses that can be carried out on this particular category of effigies of the god.

Two other categories of Osirian images were analyzed in presentations by specialists :

  • Olivier Perdu (13 December 2023) : " Osiris dans la statuaire privée d'époque tardive : diversité des représentations et interprétation "
  • Florence Gombert-Meurice (December 20 2023) : " Typological approach to bronze Osiris figurines from the Memphis Serapeum : a first step towards the religious interpretation of an archaeological complex "