Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


On the occasion of the exhibition " Feuilleter Notre-Dame : chefs-d'œuvre de la bibliothèque médiévale ", organized at the Musée de Cluny by the BnF, the session will bring together specialists in Notre-Dame manuscripts and archives. It will review the new contributions made by the ANR project "  e-NDPNotre-Dame de Paris et son cloître " thanks to the digitization and transcription of twenty-six registers of the Notre-Dame chapter (1326-1504) held by the Archives nationales, which represent an exceptional source of information on the books' users and their areas of interest, as well as on the material conditions of book conservation within the canonical enclosure. Case studies combining the various documentary sources available on books at Notre-Dame will enable the speakers to highlight the specific features of the various sets of books and the leading role played by the cathedral and its canons in the transmission of knowledge and the spread of Parisian liturgical practices during the Middle Ages. At the end of the session, we'll look at the preservation of Notre-Dame's assets - movable objects and books - between the end of the 18th and the end of the 19th centuries, based on archival records, to lay the foundations for the long awakening of heritage awareness around the cathedral.


Émilie Cottereau-Gabillet

Senior Lecturer, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Fabrice Delivré

Senior Lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Charlotte Denoël

Chief Curator, BnF Manuscripts Department

Maxence Hermant

Chief Curator, BnF Manuscripts Department

Éric Landgraf

Head of Documentation, Musée de Cluny

Darwin Smith

CNRS research director