from to
See also:
Une des tablettes du cahier de l’écolier Papnouthion (MND 552.h, Musée du Louvre)
One of the tablets from the Papnouthion schoolbook (MND 552.h, Musée du Louvre)

This year's seminar will be divided between lectures on lectures (by disciplinary field, such as medicine or rhetoric, or through special cases such as Aurelius Papnouthion at Antinoopolis) and the presentation of remarkable discoveries (an orphico-magical papyrus found at Thebes, a papyrus revealing previously unpublished passages from Euripides), not to mention presentations of important new projects(Grammateus, which offers a new approach to documentary papyri) or technological innovations (the Vesuvius challenge, which makes it possible to read the charred scrolls from Herculaneum without opening them).
