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Korshi Dosoo has proposed three different ways of conceiving the Christianization of magical practices through the  papyri: transformation, reinvention and replacement. To analyze these three dynamics, he first attempted a definition of " magic " as a papyrological genre, before presenting the sources in their material aspects (temporal and geographical distribution, media and formats). He then presented some characteristic texts : a text typical of " Greco-Egyptian magic ", or " pre-Christian magic "(Papyri Graecae Magicae V 172-212) ; a text often considered as " pagan ", but without this being demonstrable(Supplementum Magicum 19) ; a third attesting to the survival and transformation of pre-Christian beliefs (HS Schmidt 2) ; an amulet showing the prophylactic use of the Bible(P.Oxy. LXXVI 5072) ; a Christian exorcism found in a collection " païen "(PGM IV 1227-1264) ; and finally an example of prayers " magiques " attributed to Christian saints, in this case the Virgin Mary(JJP Suppl. XXXII 9), typical of Christian magic as it developed in Egypt from the5th century ADC. These texts show the concomitance of the three dynamics introduced at the beginning of : transformation, reinvention and replacement.


Korshi Dosoo

University of Würzburg