Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


The talk onMarch6 2025 aims to tackle one of the major contemporary challenges : the democratic challenge. Whereas just fifteen years ago, it was thought that thedemocratic" model " was, if not established everywhere, at least desired by all, the reality shows that it is no longer popular in the world ; worse, it is being deliberately damaged by regimes claiming a new approach to governance, the" illibéralisme ". This phenomenon is affecting the world as a whole, and in particular the three continents of Africa, Latin America and Europe. Against this backdrop, the aim of the conference is to analyze how the threeregional human rights courts are dealing with this democratic breakdown. What legal resources do they have at their disposal to defend an ideal that is being undermined ? Are they in unison in this defense of democratic fundamentals ? These questions will guide the presentation, with the ultimate aim of determining whether common principles emerge from the jurisprudence of the 3 Courts, despite the variety of historical, sociological and legal contexts in which they evolve.


Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen

University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne