Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Due to their nanometric porosity and high specific surface area, nanoporous materials are at the heart of fundamental research aimed at studying the role of nanoconfinement and surface forces on thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. Moreover, by leveraging these properties in technological processes, this class of solids is also central to key industrial sectors : adsorption (e.g. detection, chromatography), energy (hydrogen storage, fuel cells, batteries), environment (phase separation, water treatment, nuclear waste storage), etc. Among nanoporous materials [~1-100 nm], solids with sub-nanometer pore sizes (e.g. activated carbons, zeolites) are of particular interest, as the extreme confinement within their porosity leads to novel adsorption and transport phenomena.

In this talk, we will illustrate how approaches based on statistical physics - including molecular simulation tools - can be used to develop simple models of adsorption and transport in these ultra-confined materials. In particular, we'll see how a simple thermodynamic model can rationalize confinement by considering reminiscent capillarity at infinitesimally small length scales. Next, we'll show how transport in nanoporous media can be described without having to invoke macroscopic concepts whose validity at these scales remains debatable. In particular, using parameters and coefficients obtained from simple experiments, we'll see how transport, under such severe confinement conditions, can be described using models such as intermittent Brownian motion or the De Gennes shrinkage model.

Benoît Coasne

Portrait of Benoit Coasne

Benoît Coasne obtained his PhD in physics on capillary condensation in nanoporous materials (Paris, 2003). From 2003 to 2005, he worked as a postdoc with Prof. Keith Gubbins on the solidification of nanoconfined systems (Raleigh, NC, USA). Benoit Coasne was then recruited as a CNRS researcher in Montpellier (2005) and promoted to CNRS research director (2015). During a stay of three years, he led a fundamental research group on multi-scale modeling of adsorption and transport in the CNRS/MIT Laboratory at MIT, Boston (2012/15). He is currently CNRS research director affiliated with the Laboratoire de Physique Interdisciplinaire in Grenoble, France. Benoit Coasne was co-founder and first president of the French Adsorption Society. Benoit Coasne's research uses statistical mechanics and molecular simulation tools to study the thermodynamics and dynamics of fluids and solids confined in nanoporous media.


Benoit Coasne

CNRS Research Director, Interdisciplinary Physics Laboratory, Grenoble