Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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We'd now like to turn to one of the last notions that belong to the sphere of Bayesian models: the idea of "predictive coding"(Mumford, 1992; Rao & Ballard, 1999). Indeed, the "Bayesian brain" hypothesis postulates that our brain infers, from sensory inputs, an internal model of the external world. In turn, this internal model can be used to create anticipations about sensory inputs. The predictive coding hypothesis assumes that the brain constantly generates such anticipations, and generates a surprise or error signal when these predictions are violated by unexpected sensory inputs.

The idea that the brain does not function as a passive input-output device, but is an active system capable of generating predictions and verifying their validity, has a long history in ethology, psychology and neuroscience. It has been proposed in a wide variety of forms: the concepts of efferent copying (von Helmholtz, von Holst), internal criticism (Sutton & Barto) or reward prediction (Schultz). The advantages are numerous. Prediction saves time by providing information in advance, sometimes even before it reaches the sensory receptors. Using the past to predict the present can also help interpret noisy sensory inputs, or even completely replace a masked, missed or absent stimulus (notion of optimal Kalman filter). Prediction also leads to simpler data architecture and processing, by compressing information: like sound or image compression systems (JPEG, MPEG), our brains may not need to represent or transmit what they already know how to predict, the only thing that counts for them is the prediction error. Finally, predictive algorithms provide an efficient implementation of Bayesian inference, insofar as maximizing the likelihood of a model of sensory inputs is equivalent to minimizing the prediction error on these inputs.