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The lecture was devoted to a problem that had hitherto been deferred: the modes of composition of hybrid collectives, i.e. those assemblages of beings and relationships that appear to belong simultaneously to at least two distinct ontological regimes. Without going into detail about what these regimes are, we have recalled that they correspond to the filters through which humans actualize, in different ways according to the environments in which they have been socialized, the myriad of qualities, phenomena, beings and relationships that their environment offers to their apprehension. We can call this actualization a mundialization, provided we make it clear that it does not result in a "worldview", one version among others of a transcendent reality to which we might have full access; it produces a world in the truest sense that overlaps on its margins with other worlds that have been actualized by other humans in similar circumstances. And it is the relative coincidence of some of these worlds, the common reference points and shared experiences to which they bear witness, that give rise to what is usually called "a culture".
