Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The fourth lesson continued the study of cloning by describing how to produce M approximate copies of a single qubit in a pure state, and then more generally, M copies from N identical qubits all in the same pure state. Generalizing the results of the previous lesson, we have shown that optimal cloning from 1 to M qubits can be achieved by preparing the M qubits in a state resulting from symmetrization by inter-qubit exchange of the tensor product of the state of the qubit to be cloned with M-1 qubits in a completely depolarized state, described by a density matrix proportional to unity. In the case of cloning one qubit into two, this symmetrization operation is performed by the logic circuit described in the previous lesson. In the more general case of cloning from one to M qubits with M > 2, symmetrization can be achieved by a unitary operation on a system associating a cloning machine with the M qubit system, followed by a trace on the state of this machine. We have shown that the cloning fidelity thus obtained, equal to (2M + 1)/3M, tends towards 2/3 when M tends towards infinity, a result in line with the optimal fidelity of qubit estimation. Indeed, an estimation procedure may consist in first cloning a qbit into an infinite number of copies, before measuring the state of these copies with arbitrarily high precision. As the symmetrization operation is a collective operation on qubits, we found that collective estimation procedures are more efficient than the accumulation of independent measurements on qubits. We then generalized the procedure to the cloning of N to M qubits, again exploiting the symmetrization method. We have shown that the fidelity obtained, F = (MN + M + N)/M(N + 2) generalizes to the case N > 1 the result (2M + 1)/3M obtained for N = 1 and we have discussed this general result in relation to the theory of optimal estimation, illustrating once again the internal consistency of quantum theory.