The 2019-2020 lecture was a continuation of an examination, begun in 2018-2019, of the links between ontology and semiotics, the aim of which was to show how, in the face of the many impasses to whichvarious " tournants " (linguistic, cognitive, etc.) have led in the 20th century, a reflection on language, but much more generally on signs and the links they weave with the mind and the world, is not necessarily dependent on a nominalistic metaphysics.on the contrary, it's possible to think in terms of language and, more generally, of signs and the links they forge with the mind and the world, without necessarily relying on a nominalistic metaphysics. On the contrary, it is possible to place semiotics within a logical, epistemological, metaphysical and realistperspective , as witnessed at the beginning of the 20th century by the systematic project undertaken by Charles Sanders Peirce. To this end, last year we looked back at a number of questions and authors who, in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and then the modern era, had attempted, with varying degrees of success, to engage in this exercise.
Reminder of the six 2018-2019 sessions [1] :
- The various " linguistic " and " cognitive "turnsof the 20th century, their impasses, and the outline of a response in the terms of Peircian ontological and realist semiotics :
- That to know names is not to know things. Cratylus, or between regrets and the emergence of hope through sêmêion,
- The medieval antecedents of semiotics (1) : Peirce or how to draw inspiration from the medievals to proceed with a semiotization of thought and, in turn, a mentalization of signs ?
- Medieval antecedents of semiotics (2) : Is thought structured like a language ? From verbum mentis to oratio mentalis :
- Medieval antecedents of semiotics (3) : Realist semiotics faced with the difficult choice between oratio mentalis and enunciatio in mente :
- Modern antecedents of semiotics (1) : George Berkeley's realist nominalism
This year, the aim was to complete this little journey by laying down some new and fruitful milestones in this history, examining the broad outlines of Peircian realist semiotics, and then showing how it in turn inspired a number of recent authors, but even more so why we now have at our disposal, thanks to all of them, invaluable guides to better grasp the way in which the three vertices of this famous " triangle " - words, thought and the world -have always beenarticulated.
Unfortunately, the sanitary situation will only have enabled us to outline the first stages of this journey, and to introduce two other major figures of the modern era, Condillac and Reid, already indicating, with supporting texts, (1) the proximity of their approaches, (2) how they set up an original perceptual semiotics that (3) would lead from perception to a language of action and a very broad semiotic space, including linguistic signs and the language of calculation, but also capable of extending, in a perspective that is simultaneously realist and naturalist, to an infinitely rich range of semiotic means of expression. So much remains to be said that the lecture will continue next year (2020-2021).
[1] See also the Abstract published inAnnuaire du Collège de France 2018-2019, Paris, Collège de France, 2022, pp. 333-344,