Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The second part of the lecture devoted to Osiris " savior " begins with an analysis of two other forms of the god present in the Kushite chapel of Osiris " master of life " at Karnak : Osiris " he who rescues the unfortunate " (pȝ wšb jȝd), associating with the god of the dead a power devolved to Amun as early as the New Kingdom, and Osiris " with the benevolent eye " (pȝ nfr n jrt.f), reflecting the god's power to ward off the evil eye. We then turn to a detailed study of the foundation stele of the Osiris chapel " qui sauve son serviteur de la douat " mentioned above, which can be included in the category of " stèles de donation ". An inventory of the chapel's constituent parts, its staff, the land used to supply it and its furnishings provides a precise picture of the economic functioning of this type of foundation, which can be transposed in part to the contemporary chapel of Osiris " master of life / who rescues the unfortunate ". A comparison can also be made with the operation of the healing magic chapels well attested in the Theban region in the 1st millennium BC.