Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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We were interested in the mechanisms underlying the modulation of auditory perception by attention, and particularly in the involvement of cerebral electrical oscillations in this process. The lecture began with a presentation of these oscillations and their now well-established role in certain aspects of sensory perception and cognition. Work from Charles Schroeder's laboratory highlighting the role of these oscillations in the effects of attention on the response of the primary auditory cortex in the macaque was then discussed. In a study published in 2013 (Lakatos P., Musacchia G., O'Connel M.N., Falchier A.Y., Javitt D.C. and Schroeder C.E., Neuron, 2013), neuronal activity in layer L3 of the primary auditory cortex was analyzed using multi-electrode recordings, during which the animal's attention was (or was not) focused on sound sequences. The macaques had previously been trained to attend and sustain their attention to these sequences in order to detect the presence of a deviant frequency. These sequences each consisted of a pure tone lasting 25 milliseconds, with a frequency of either 5.7 kHz or 16 kHz. This "sound puff" was repeated at regular intervals with a frequency of 1.6 Hz for the 5.7 kHz sound puffs and 1.8 Hz for the others. Delta-type electrical oscillations were observed, with the rhythmicity of sound. In the cortical region whose characteristic frequency is that of the sound burst (5.7 kHz or 16 kHz), these oscillations passed through their phase of maximum depolarization during the "sound burst", thus promoting the generation of sound-synchronous action potentials. In a cortical region whose characteristic frequency is not that of the sound burst, waves with the same rhythmicity as the sound stimulation were also detected, but the sound stimulation coincided with the phase corresponding to the hyperpolarization of neurons, thus inhibiting their discharge. The electrical waves observed are therefore present throughout the auditory cortex, but they are in phase opposition to the sound waves in the cortical region tuned in frequency with the sound burst, while they are in phase in the untuned regions. Because these electrical oscillations continue for a few seconds after the sound has stopped, the origin of these rhythmic fluctuations, timed to sound repetitions, has been attributed to a mechanism whereby neural networks are trained by sound over several cycles. All in all, these results suggest that attention to an expected rhythmic sound sequence trains neuronal networks throughout the auditory cortex in such a way that their oscillatory activity becomes coherent and adjusted to the rhythmicity of the sound. These results have been extended to theta waves synchronized by sound repetitions of corresponding frequencies. Like delta oscillations, these are driven by a rhythmic auditory stimulus to which the monkeys pay attention. These findings were reinforced by the simultaneous presentation of two sounds to which the monkey alternates its attention. The recordings revealed an increase in attention-induced neuronal discharges and current density in the cortical region tuned in frequency to the sound burst. More importantly, they demonstrate that the association of the delta wave depolarization maximum with the sound stimulation maximum is an effect of attention. In several cortical areas, in addition to the one tuned in frequency to the sound stimulus, attention is responsible for synchronizing the activity of neural networks. When sound stimuli are present simultaneously, only the one on which attention is focused drives delta oscillatory activity across a range of cortical regions. These findings lead to a prediction that has been validated experimentally: the amplitude of neuronal discharges in response to an ignored sound stimulus in the region tuned in frequency to that stimulus depends on its temporal relationship with the stimulus to which attention is being paid. Attention thus acts as a temporo-spectral filter for neural activity in the primary auditory cortex. These findings reinforce the idea that fluctuations in the excitability of distributed sets of neurons form the context in which specific sensory content is processed (Buzsaki G. and Chrobak J.J., Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 1995). Attention modulates oscillatory activity in the supragranular L3 layer by top-down mechanisms that remain to be determined.