Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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How to overcome documentary and narrative asymmetry ? Contact space and agentivity. The city of Ghâna described by al-Bakrî (11thcentury ). A model for thinking about interaction: a magnetic field. Comparative chronology of trans-Saharan and transoceanic interactions : three phases. Islamic dissent and initial contacts. Classificatory designations of Africans (Sûdân, Nûba, Habasha, Zanj). The religion of Ghâna according to al-Bakrî (11thcentury ). The religious landscape of the western Sahel in the mid-11th century. The flowering of Arab funerary inscriptions in the 11th-13thcenturies : the regions. Two corpora : Dahlak (Eritrea) and Tadmekka-Gao-Bentya (Mali). The rise of new towns in the 11th-13th centuries. The political and economic apogee of African kingdoms in the 14th-15thcenturies . The frontiers of Africa : Ibn Battûta (14thcentury ). The blue pearl : return and end.