Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In order to circumscribe the profile of theAgathos daimōn, a foray into the pair, or even couple, it forms with theAgathē Tychē, the " Good Fortune ". To do this, a preliminary step is to analyze the first occurrences of the deified Tychē in archaic poetry, from Hesiod to Pindar, via Alcman. As Oceanine in Hesiod, Tychē is associated with the gifts linked to the fertilizing moisture of her progenitor. Alcman makes her the daughter of Promethea, the " Foresight ", and associates her with the smooth running of human societies, while Pindar sees her as the most powerful of the Moires, also emphasizing the unpredictable nature of her action. The " Bon daimōn " and the " Bonne Fortune " are respectively the divine action that provides benefits and its fulfillment, in the sense of the concretization of this action in human life. A relief unearthed in Piraeus provides further evidence for this association, as the deities to whom the dedication is addressed are " Zeus Epiteleios Philios, Philia, the god's mother, and Tychē Agathē, his wife "(IG II² 4627). We sense that the Zeus " Who accomplishes (benefits) and Friendly " is here very close to theAgathos daimōn.