Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The generation of intense femtosecond pulses of near-infrared or visible light opens up a vast field of investigation in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. By exciting rare gas jets with these pulses, we generate ultraviolet or X-ray (XUV) light pulses lasting a few tens of attoseconds (1 attosecond = 10-18 s) and energetic photoelectron beams. These XUV pulses and electrons, in conjunction with the IR or visible pulses that generated them, are used to probe matter at ultra-short times and over distances of the order of a few Angstroms. These experiments can be carried out using laboratory lasers, thanks to a light amplification method perfected in the 1980s. Powerful, large-scale facilities make it possible to reach intensities that pave the way for extreme light physics (relativistic effects, nuclear physics, non-linear quantum electrodynamics, etc.). Lesson six began with an overview of the progress made in generating ultra-short, high-intensity light pulses over the last fifty years. It shows that the race for large light fields and the race for very short pulses have been strongly correlated, as the processes generating ultrashort flashes are linked to highly nonlinear phenomena requiring very large electric field amplitudes. Initially, the pulses increased rapidly in amplitude and brevity, reaching a plateau in the 1980s when the amplifying glasses used reached their irreversible damage threshold. The CPA(chirped pulse amplification) method was then invented. It involves dispersing the light pulse in frequency and spreading it out in time, using an optical delay line constructed with dispersive gratings. The pulse then carries the same energy, but over a much longer time. It passes through the amplifying medium, which is no longer in danger of being destroyed. After passing through this medium, a system of gratings operating in the opposite direction compresses the pulse, enabling very high peak intensities to be reached. The intense femtosecond pulses thus obtained lend themselves to the implementation of very high-order non-linear processes, leading to the generation of much shorter, much more energetic light pulses.