Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The first hour was devoted to the program of "destruction" according to theEinführung: unobstructing Da-sein "covered by its own history", shaking it ontologically by bringing back to their original meaning the fundamental categories of "consciousness", "person" and "subject". To liberate Dasein is to liberate the past. Destruction" is always twofold: it "opens access to the past" by "opening access to Dasein", and it "opens access to Dasein " by "opening access to the past". The double "destruction" of Descartes and Husserl is the central aim of theEinführung. Heidegger's main target is the Cartesian "concern" for "certainty", interpreted as a "concern for reassurance" (Beruhigung ), the interpretation of verum as certum "developed by Descartes" that "maintains Scholastic ontology as it is". After evoking the "historical critical destruction" of logic carried out in the 1925/26 lectures(Logik. Die Frage nach der Wahrheit, Marburg) to 1928(Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Logik, Freiburg), presented the critique of Problemgeschichte, sketched a comparison between Heideggerian Wiederholung (repetition) and Collingwoodian Re-enactment (re-activation), and finally evoked the first Freiburg lecture (winter 1928/29):einleitung in die Philosophie, worked on by Foucault in the early 1950s, via Jean Wahl, under the title of "unpublished lecture", we began the study of the "Fribourg turn", the passage from deconstruction to the "history of Being". The "return to the origin" gave way to the concepts of "change", "mutation" and "metamorphosis": Wandel, Wandlung and Verwandlung. A retrospective examination of this "shift" is given in the Protocol of the Todtnauberg seminar held in September 1962. The first, modelled on the self-revelation of the Hegelian Absolute in history, "designates the history of donations in which Being shows itself epochally"; the second designates "the history of donations in which Advent (Ereignis) stands back". The metamorphosis of Being in theEreignis refers to the notion of the "Other Beginning", a structuring theme of the second Heidegger's thought, central to the Beiträge zur Philosophie (1936-1938), Heidegger's second "big book", deliberately unpublished at the time. To follow him in teaching, we turned to the 1937/38 lecture: Grundfragen der Philosophie. Ausgewählte "Probleme" der "Logik" (1937/38), in which Heidegger formulates the distinction between das Historische (the historiographical) and das Geschichtliche (the historical or historial) and articulates the difference between the "First Beginning", both past and present, the "Greek Beginning", which relates to the truth of being, and the "Other Beginning", to come, where "the spiritual destiny of the West" is supposed to be decided, which relates to the "truth of being", omitted in the "First Beginning". The hour concluded with remarks on the meaning of " Nous"(Wir) in Heidegger's 1930s, followed by a return to the general problematic of the 2017 lecture designed to emphasize that while there is no history of Being in Foucault, there is a history of truth in Heidegger, as confirmed by a statistical lexicographical analysis of the occurrences of the expressions " Geschichte der Wahrheit ", " Geschichte des Seins " and " Geschichte des Seyns " in the Gesamtausgabe.