Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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During the Occupation, discussions on the professional organization of architects, which had been underway since the 1920s, came to an end with the Law of December 31, 1940, which established an Order of Architects. The establishment of this institution coincided with the application of Vichy's racial laws, which led to the professional banning of many Jews and Freemasons.

A significant part of the profession participated in the implementation of these laws through the valuation of despoiled properties.

At the same time, the architectural press was restructured, with the appearance of magazines such as L'Architecture française and Techniques et architecture, the former more conservative, the latter continuing the progressive line taken by L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui in the 1930s. Despite censorship and administrative pressure, intellectual exchanges continued for four years.