Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In the introduction to the first day of the Decameron, two pigs are reported to have been contaminated by the rags of a plague victim. Based on a micro-reading of this scene, the lecture proposes a political anthropology of the metamorphoses and contaminations of the urban body in times of plague. It leads both to a symbolic reflection on Christian identity confronted with Jewish otherness, and to a functional analysis of urban policies to defend the community against all types of pollution and contagion.


  • The two plague-sick pigs: a prodigy in the Decameron
  • Maravigliosa cosa è a udire quello che io debbo dire : the plague as an overflow, Boccaccio and his "investigation into the resistible " (Anna Fontes Baratto, ""Miscellaneous" of what? Le fait divers dans le Decameron ", Arzanà, 15, 2012)
  • Secondo il loro costume: species barriers and bestiality
  • L'ours, le singe et le cochon: trois manières de ressembler à l'homme (Michel Pastoureau, Le roi tué par un cochon, 2015)
  • Porcus, corpus : when the impure beast is "another thing" (davar aber)
  • Identity and prohibition: assimilating the other to what he forbids himself to eat (Pierre Birnbaum, La République et le Cochon, 2013)
  • The metamorphosis of Jewish children and the imaginary of impure blood (Claudine Fabre-Vassus, La Bête singulière. Jews, Christians and the Pig, 1994)
  • Back to the Eucharistic society and cannibal power (lectures on January 31 and February 7, 2017)
  • First story of the first day: false miracles and true devotions (lecture, January 30, 2018)
  • Second story of the first day: Abraham, or the paradoxical conversion
  • Third news item of the first day: Melchisedech, or transmission in abeyance
  • A dissident reading of the parable of the three rings (Carlo Ginzburg, Le Fromage et les vers. L'univers d'un meunier du XVIesiècle , 1976)
  • Concealment, conversion, persecution: the Jewish presence on the threshold of the Decameron
  • Counter-proof to the Western enigma: Jewish communities in the land of Islam and in times of plague (Michaël W. Dols, The Black Death in the Middle East, 1977)
  • Back to the micro-reading of the scene with the two pigs and the plague victim's rags: ellipse or brachyology ?
  • The circulation of pigs in the city, an issue of urban order (Cléo Rager, colloquium session , December 13, 2021)
  • Politiques urbaines de la preservatio sanitatis (Marilyn Nicoud, "Médecine, prévention et santé publique en Italie à la fin du Moyen Âge", in Patrick Boucheron and Jacques Chiffoleau eds, Religion et société au Moyen Âge.Études offertes à Jean-Louis Biget, 2000)
  • Urban hygiene and community prerogative (Carole Rawcliffe, Urban Bodies: Communal Health in Late Medieval English Towns and Cities, 2019)
  • From "droppings gatherers" to pizzigamorti (lecture March 30, 2021)
  • Divagation des porcs et dispersion du sang des barbiers: l'exemple de Tournai (Claire Billen and Marc Boone ed., Bans et édits de la ville de Tournai en temps de peste (1349-1351), 2021)
  • Le sang empoisonné, du venin aux veines (Franck Collard, "Le poison et le sang dans la culture médiévale", Médiévales, 60, 2011)
  • Blood formation in the human body and medieval hematoscopy (Laurence Moulinier-Brogli, "Le sang entre savoirs et questionnements, science et imaginaire", Cahiers art et science, 8, 2004)
  • Bovine plagues and porcine leprosy (Madeleine Ferrières, "Le cochon, la lèpre et l'homme", in Les Animaux malades en Europe occidentale (VIIe-XIVesiècle ). Actes du colloque de Flaran, 2005)
  • Une " viande politique " sous surveillance (Madeleine Ferrières, Histoire des peurs alimentaires, 2002)
  • Butchers in riot and persecution sociology
  • Flux de sang: l'identité juive et le principe féminin (Daniel Sibony, L'Énigme antisémite, 2004)
  • Du postribulum de Venise à la " maison des filles " de Toulouse en 1358 (Agathe Roby, La prostitution au Moyen Âge Le commerce charnel en Midi toulousain du XIIIe au XVIesiècle , 2021)
  • Déviances sexuelles et pollutions urbaines (Marc Boone, "Le très fort, vilain et detestable criesme et pechié de zodomie" : homosexualité et répression à Bruges pendant la période bourguignonne (fin 14e- début 16e siècle)", in Beleid en bestuur in de oude Nederlanden. Liber amicorum prof. Dr. M. Balde, 1993)
  • "That no contaminated matter (materia infirmitatis) may enter the bodies of the citizens of Pistoia": the Ordinamenta sanitatis tempore mortalitatis of 1348 (Guy Geltner, "The Path to Pistoia: Urban Hygiene Before the Black Death", Past & Present, 246, 2020)
  • Breaking out of the "tyrannical" Black Death paradigm? Viarii offices , political control of traffic networks and conservatio sanitatis (Guy Geltner, Roads to Health. Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing in Later Medieval Italy, 2019)
  • "Poisoning the well": the false evidence of contaminated water
  • To revive our capacity for wonder, history continues (Tzafrir Barzilay, Poisoned Wells Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422, 2022).