Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The last lesson dealt in particular with the two sets that make up a company of 68 gods, and which is not otherwise attested; indeed, many of the gods' names are known only from the Viennese sarcophagus. At first glance, these are not the best conditions for a commentary, but we can try to put forward a few hypotheses. In reality, research can turn in four directions: iconography, analysis of the long vertical column in front of the 17 registers, the names of the deities and, finally, their speech.

These 68 gods are protectors of Osiris' burial bed, whose legends evoke several themes: protection of the litter, guarding the doors, protection at night, turning away enemies, protection of the body, existence alongside Osiris, prestige of the deceased, freedom of movement, eternal life, Osiris' entourage, punishment of enemies, embalming and preparing the mummy for survival.

The most important texts for understanding the decoration are to be found in the temples of the Greco-Roman period: either in the chapel of Sokaris at Edfu, or in the chapels of Osiris on the roof of the temple at Dendara. Among the late sarcophagi, that of Teos, son of Iahmes (Cairo CG 29304) and that of Ânkhhep, son of Tayefnakht (Cairo CG 29303) bear the closest resemblance to our monument.