Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The four stamps on the royal letter are very difficult to read. Digital photos and their computer processing have enabled me to put forward a possible decipherment. Here is the text of the letter I have proposed (l. 9, whose restitution is virtually certain being based on the formulas of a letter from Antiochos III or Zeuxis to Amyzon: J. et L. Robert, Fouilles d'Amyzon, n° 9 ll. 9-11, allows us to recognize that each line must have contained 66-68 letters):

"King Antiochos the Great to the suggeneia of Pormounos and to the priest ... (?), greetings. Whereas it has come to pass that in the course of ... the consecrated service people have been taken away and now you ask that these all together be brought safely away (or: safe) from ..., we grant you that ... of the domain (in your ownership) and to mark it with boundary steles. In this respect, even earlier Zeuxis had written to the soldiers ordering that this same estate (in your ownership)... and that ... of the people who were abducted and what belongs to them... As for us, we wrote directly to the officials in charge of administration ordering that the abducted people, all together, be brought safely back home (e.g.) and, since you are devoted and have confidence in us, that they ( = the officials) do not allow anyone to torment you and that they look after you with zeal. Be well."

The king's title in the form Basileus Antiochos Megas dates the letter to between 203 and 201, at the time of the Seleucid campaign in Caria. The inscription reads "during..." (an event in the military campaign), a topos belonging to the sanctuary was ransacked by the Seleucid army and people were kidnapped and deported elsewhere (presumably "consecrated" people such as hierodouloi, hieroi, who became hiera somata through the kidnapping).

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