Signature rules for scientific publications


The adoption of common rules for the signature of scientific publications is essential for the enhancement of the work of the Collège de France research community and its visibility in bibliometric databases.

To this end, Collège de France provides professors and researchers with a tool for generating scientific signatures according to their affiliation.

This tool and the rules set out in the downloadable document below are intended to provide researchers with a syntax and detailed recommendations for standardizing their affiliations.


The signature is single-line, with information separated by a comma. It must include the author's identity, affiliation(s) and geographical indication. However, in cases where a publication involves several affiliations (e.g. publication linked to the activity of several laboratories), the signature is divided into several lines, one for each affiliation, each containing the mandatory information detailed in the downloadable document.

The "Université PSL" signature must appear on all Collège de France scientific publications, in application of the November 19, 2019 agreement specifying the relationship between Collège de France and Université PSL. The mention "Université PSL" is thus added to that of Collège de France in accordance with the signature charter defined by PSL. However, if a publication is made within the framework of a laboratory of which one of the co-supervisors is a member of PSL University, this mention will preferably be added to the signature. In the case of a publication in English, "Université PSL" may be replaced by "PSL University".

Signature generation tool


  • Service des ressources en ligne, bibliométrie et appui à la recherche
    Direction des bibliothèques, des archives et des collections
    Collège de France