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Markovic Researcher, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (USA) People Bengt Mannervik Professor at Uppsala University (Sweden) People Paolo Mancosu Professor at the University of California, Berkeley People Yuri Manin Professor at the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik People Jean-François Joanny Professor at the Collège de France Jean-François Joanny began his career at the CNRS, where he was a research fellow at the Collège de France's Quantum Condensed Matter Physics laboratory in Paris, then in Lyon. He was appointed Professor of Physics at the Université Louis-Pasteur in … People Stéphane Mallat Professor at the Collège de France Stéphane Mallat was born on October 24 1962. He graduated from the École polytechnique in 1981, went on to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988, and defended his habilitation thesis in mathematics at the Université de … People Marc Fontecave Professor at the Collège de France Marc Fontecave is a former student of the École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique, where he obtained the agrégation de sciences physiques, option chimie, in 1978. After starting his career at the CNRS, obtaining his PhD in 1984 and a … People Edouard Bard Professor at the Collège de France, CEREGE Aix-en-Provence Edouard Bard is Professor of Climate and Ocean Evolution at the Collège de France, and his laboratory is based in Aix-en-Provence (CEREGE, UMR Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Collège de France). An engineering geologist from ENSG in Nancy, he … People Marc Henneaux Professor at the Collège de France Marc Henneaux holds a doctorate in physics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, 1980). He was Visiting Fellow at Princeton University (1978-1979) and a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin (1981-1985) before joining the FNRS … People Xavier Leroy Professor at the Collège de France Xavier Leroy studied mathematics and computer science at the École normale supérieure and Université Paris-Diderot. After a PhD in fundamental computer science in 1992 and a post-doctorate at Stanford University, he became a research fellow at Inria in … People Stanislas Dehaene Professor at the Collège de France Stanislas Dehaene is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure and holds a doctorate in cognitive psychology. In September 2005, he was appointed Professor at the Collège de France, in the newly-created chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology, after … People Antoine Georges Professor at the Collège de France Antoine Georges, born in 1961 in Paris, was a student at the École Polytechnique (1980-1983), before joining the Theoretical Physics Laboratory at the École Normale Supérieure in 1984, where he defended his thesis in 1988. He was a researcher in this … People Denis Duboule Professor at the Collège de France Denis Duboule was born in Geneva in 1955, and holds a doctorate in science. After heading a research group at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes (CNRS/INSERM) in Strasbourg (1986-1988), then at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in … People Hugues de Thé Professor at the Collège de France Hugues de Thé has a dual medical and scientific background. He explores the relationships between gene transcription, nuclear architecture and cancer development. Following the discovery of a retinoic acid receptor and the first response element to this … People Jean Dalibard Professor at the Collège de France Jean Dalibard is a physicist specializing inmatter-radiationinteraction, with aparticular focus onlasermanipulationofatoms.After studying at theÉcole normalesupérieure (1977-1981), he completed his doctorate under the supervision of Claude Cohen-Tannoudji … People Jean-Luc Fournet Professor at the Collège de France Jean-Luc Fournet is a papyrologist specializing in the Protobyzantine period (4th-7th centuries). After a stay in Egypt as a scientific member of the IFAO in Cairo (1992-1996), where he familiarized himself with Egypt, its sites and papyrological … People Frantz Grenet Professor at the Collège de France Born on November 6 1952, Frantz Grenet was a student at the École normale supérieure from 1972 to 1977, and received his agrégation in history in 1975. From 1977 to 1981, he was posted to Kabul as deputy director of the DAFA (Délégation archéologique … People Françoise Combes Professor at the Collège de France Françoise Combes is an astrophysicist at Paris Observatory and a member of the Académie des Sciences. From 1985 to 1989, she was Deputy Director of the Physics Laboratory at the École normale supérieure (ENS). She was President of the Société française … Pagination First page Previous page … Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Current page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Next page Last page
People Linda Manzanilla Professor, Institute of Antropology, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Member of the National College, Mexico City
People Nenad M. Markovic Researcher, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (USA)
People Jean-François Joanny Professor at the Collège de France Jean-François Joanny began his career at the CNRS, where he was a research fellow at the Collège de France's Quantum Condensed Matter Physics laboratory in Paris, then in Lyon. He was appointed Professor of Physics at the Université Louis-Pasteur in …
People Stéphane Mallat Professor at the Collège de France Stéphane Mallat was born on October 24 1962. He graduated from the École polytechnique in 1981, went on to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988, and defended his habilitation thesis in mathematics at the Université de …
People Marc Fontecave Professor at the Collège de France Marc Fontecave is a former student of the École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique, where he obtained the agrégation de sciences physiques, option chimie, in 1978. After starting his career at the CNRS, obtaining his PhD in 1984 and a …
People Edouard Bard Professor at the Collège de France, CEREGE Aix-en-Provence Edouard Bard is Professor of Climate and Ocean Evolution at the Collège de France, and his laboratory is based in Aix-en-Provence (CEREGE, UMR Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Collège de France). An engineering geologist from ENSG in Nancy, he …
People Marc Henneaux Professor at the Collège de France Marc Henneaux holds a doctorate in physics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, 1980). He was Visiting Fellow at Princeton University (1978-1979) and a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin (1981-1985) before joining the FNRS …
People Xavier Leroy Professor at the Collège de France Xavier Leroy studied mathematics and computer science at the École normale supérieure and Université Paris-Diderot. After a PhD in fundamental computer science in 1992 and a post-doctorate at Stanford University, he became a research fellow at Inria in …
People Stanislas Dehaene Professor at the Collège de France Stanislas Dehaene is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure and holds a doctorate in cognitive psychology. In September 2005, he was appointed Professor at the Collège de France, in the newly-created chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology, after …
People Antoine Georges Professor at the Collège de France Antoine Georges, born in 1961 in Paris, was a student at the École Polytechnique (1980-1983), before joining the Theoretical Physics Laboratory at the École Normale Supérieure in 1984, where he defended his thesis in 1988. He was a researcher in this …
People Denis Duboule Professor at the Collège de France Denis Duboule was born in Geneva in 1955, and holds a doctorate in science. After heading a research group at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes (CNRS/INSERM) in Strasbourg (1986-1988), then at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in …
People Hugues de Thé Professor at the Collège de France Hugues de Thé has a dual medical and scientific background. He explores the relationships between gene transcription, nuclear architecture and cancer development. Following the discovery of a retinoic acid receptor and the first response element to this …
People Jean Dalibard Professor at the Collège de France Jean Dalibard is a physicist specializing inmatter-radiationinteraction, with aparticular focus onlasermanipulationofatoms.After studying at theÉcole normalesupérieure (1977-1981), he completed his doctorate under the supervision of Claude Cohen-Tannoudji …
People Jean-Luc Fournet Professor at the Collège de France Jean-Luc Fournet is a papyrologist specializing in the Protobyzantine period (4th-7th centuries). After a stay in Egypt as a scientific member of the IFAO in Cairo (1992-1996), where he familiarized himself with Egypt, its sites and papyrological …
People Frantz Grenet Professor at the Collège de France Born on November 6 1952, Frantz Grenet was a student at the École normale supérieure from 1972 to 1977, and received his agrégation in history in 1975. From 1977 to 1981, he was posted to Kabul as deputy director of the DAFA (Délégation archéologique …
People Françoise Combes Professor at the Collège de France Françoise Combes is an astrophysicist at Paris Observatory and a member of the Académie des Sciences. From 1985 to 1989, she was Deputy Director of the Physics Laboratory at the École normale supérieure (ENS). She was President of the Société française …