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People Harold E. Varmus Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Harold E. Varmus, M.D., co-recipient of the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for studies of the genetic basis of cancer, joined the Meyer Cancer Center of Weill Cornell Medicine as the Lewis Thomas University Professor of Medicine in April, …
People Kapila Vatsyayana Former secretary (culture) to the Indian government, Founder and former head of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Art
People Maurizio Viroli Professor of Government, University of Texas, Austin, USA. Professor of Politics (Emeritus), Princeton University, USA. Professor of Political Communication, USI, Lugano, Switzerland
People Thomas Leblé CNRS Research Fellow, MAP5 Laboratory, Université de Paris Cité Thomas Leblé is the winner of the Peccot lecture for 2019-2020. …
People Emmanuel Lecouturier Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Emmanuel Lecouturier is the winner of the Peccot lecture for 2020-2021. …
People Amine Marrakchi CNRS Research Fellow, UMPA, ENS Lyon Amine Marrakchi is the winner of the Claude-Antoine Peccot Prize for 2021-2022. …
People Marco Robalo Senior Lecturer at Pierre et Marie Curie University Marco Robalo is the winner of the 2015-2016 Peccot lecture . …
People Antoine Song University of California, Berkeley Antoine Song is the winner of the Peccot lecture for 2020-2021. …
People Anatole Abragam Professor at the Collège de France Born in Russia on December 15 1914. Died on June 8 2011. Education and professional career Secondary education at Lycée Janson de Sailly 1932 : Bachelor's degree in Mathematics 1936 : Licencié ès Sciences (Sorbonne) 1937-1939 : Preparation of a thesis …
People Martin Abadi Computer scientist, Researcher at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), Visiting Professor, Collège de France Born in Buenos Aires in 1963, Martin Abadi studied at Stanford University in California, where he obtained his doctorate in computer science in 1987. Since then, he has worked mainly as a researcher, mostly in industrial laboratories; he has been a …
People Serge Abiteboul INRIA, Visiting Professor, Collège de France A graduate of Télécom Paris, Serge Abiteboul holds a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and a doctorate from Université Paris-Sud. He has been a researcher at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control since …
People Maurice Agulhon Professor at the Collège de France Born on December 20 th 1926 in Uzès (Gard). Died on May 28 th 2014. Education and professional career 1946-1950: Student at the École normale supérieure Lettres (rue d'Ulm) 1950-1952: Associate Professor at the Lycée de Toulon, including one year's leave …