Share Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copy url Samantha Besson - Online lectures and interviews Back to biography and publications Online conferences Conclusions of the opening symposium, Inventing Europe", Collège de France, Paris, October 22, 2021 Webinar "Les droits humains à l'épreuve de la Covid-19", Covid webinar series, Collège de France and Collège Belgique, September 17, 2021 Seminar "European passports for sale? The debate in European and international citizenship law", Collège de France, Paris, February 1, 2021 Colloquium "The International Law of Civilizations or How to Establish their Concertation", Collège de France, Paris, October 23, 2020 "Politique de santé et santé du politique à l'OMS à l'ère du coronavirus", Covid-19 Initiative, Collège de France, Paris, September 9, 2020 Seminar "Joint and several liability of international organizations and States - A neglected institution", seminar on joint and several liability, Collège de France, Paris, March 8, 2016 "The Sources of Human Rights," Or'Emet Annual Lecture, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, January 29, 2015 "Vulnerability and the structure of human rights - The example of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights", Institut d'études avancées de Nantes, Nantes, April 2, 2013 "The Legitimacy of International Human Rights", Speakers' Series Legal Philosophy between State and Transnationalism, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, October 16, 2009 Online interviews (audio and video) "Who is my neighbor?", first round table of the Nuit des idées 2021, Radio France Internationale, January 28, 2021 "Est-il temps de reconstruire l'ordre international?", program "La Grande table", France culture, January 27, 2021 "La relance de l'Europe et du monde?", "À présent" program by Frédéric Worms, France Culture, December 18, 2020 "Comment repenser le droit international", interviews with the Collège de France, TV5 Monde, December 1, 2020 "Collège de France: Prof. Samantha Besson's remarks of June 17, 2020 "International Legitimacy Interview Series: Prof Samantha Besson", interview on the occasion of the conference "The Political Legitimacy of International Law: Sovereign States and their International Institutional Order" Chair Samantha Besson International Law of Institutions 2019 - today