
Romania is a French journal devoted to the study of Romance languages and literature.


Founded in 1872 by Paul Meyer and Gaston Paris, Romania is a French journal devoted to the study of Romance languages and literature up to the Renaissance. It publishes studies on literary and cultural history, textual criticism, manuscript studies and Romance philology, particularly French. It is committed to providing a critical review of works published in the fields it studies. Romania is published in French and the main Romance languages, as well as in English.

Since 2013 (from volume 131), Romania has been distributed by Droz. Back issues are freely available on Persée.

  • Management : Sylvie Lefèvre and Jean-René Valette
  • Honorary directors : Geneviève Hasenohr and Michel Zink
  • Treasurer-Secretary : Valérie Fasseur
  • Editorial secretary : Sandrine Hériché-Pradeau
  • Editorial board : Stefano Asperiti, Pierre-Yves Badel, Michel Banniard, Gabriel Bianciotto, Marina S. Brownlee, Gérard Gouiran, Robert Martin, Outi Merisalo, François Suard, Richard Trachsler.

Recommendations to employees

Contributors' attention is drawn to the fact that all contribution proposals must be sent in word and pdf format to Ms Valérie Fasseur at the address below.