Photo Rachel Breton

Rachel Breton

Alumni (2019-2024), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB)


After being graduated from my Bachelor degree in Life Sciences at Sorbonne-University, I studied cellular biology, physiology, and physiopathology during my first year of Master at the Universities of Paris-Descartes/Paris-Diderot. Particularly interested in the field of glial cells and especially astrocytes, I carried out an internship in Dr Cendra Agulhon's laboratory at the Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition center in order to study more precisely the role of astrocytes in the central nervous system.

Building on this experience, I've specialized in Neurosciences for my second year of Master and I joined Nathalie Rouach's laboratory for a 6-month internship to study the role of astrocytes on neuronal networks during the critical developmental period.

I'm now continuing my study on this project as a PhD student since October 2019 using molecular biology and imaging techniques such as super resolution microscopy (STED).