Portrait Michaël Zugaro

Michaël Zugaro

Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB), Brain Rhythms and Neural Coding of Memory program - DR1 CNRS


Current Position

  • Research Director (1rst Class) at CNRS
  • Group Leader, Brain Rhythms and Neural Coding of Memory, CIRB, Collège de France

Research and Academic Experience

  • 2015 : Research Director (CNRS)
  • 2010 : Team Leader (Collège de France)
  • 2009 : HDR in Neuroscience, University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
  • 2006 : Researcher (CNRS)
  • 2002 : Post-doctoral fellow in G. Buzsáki's laboratory (USA)
  • 2001 : PhD in Neuroscience in A. Berthoz's lab (Collège de France), advisor:
  • S. Wiener
  • 1995 : Engineer in Mathematics and Computer Science (Compiègne University
  • of Technology)