
Born near the River Thames and London, to a mother of distant Norman ancestry and a father who could not be more English. After studying at Cambridge, he became a university lecturer in England, then the first British elected to the Collège de France and the Académie française. Poet in English and French, prose writer, philosopher and, more recently, theologian. Member of the Académie des Jeux floraux, as Master of the Jeux, Honorary Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, Honorary Doctor of Cambridge University. Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, Commandeur des arts et des lettres, Officer in the Order of the British Empire, I was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2014.

Selected bibliography

  • Edwards M., Dialogues singuliers sur la langue française, Paris, Éditions PUF, 2016, 209 p.

  • Edwards M., L'infiniment proche, Clichy, Éditions de Corlevour, 2016, 112 p.

  • Edwards M., Bible et poésie, Paris, Éditions de Fallois, 2016, 176 p.

  • Speech welcoming Mr Michael Edwards to the Académie française and Mr Frédéric Vitoux's reply

    Edwards M. et Vitoux F., Discours de réception de M. Michael Edwards à l'Académie française et réponse de M. Frédéric Vitoux, Éditions de Fallois, 128 p.

  • Edwards M., Le Génie de la poésie anglaise, Éditions Les Belles Lettres, coll. "Essais", 2014, 352 p.

  • Edwards M., Le Rire de Molière, Paris, Éditions de Fallois, 2012.

  • Edwards M., Le Bonheur d'être ici, Paris, Éditions Fayard, 2011.

  • Edwards M., L'étrangèreté [CD], Paris, Gallimard/Collège de France, coll. "À voix Haute", 2010.

  • Edwards M., Shakespeare : Le poète au théâtre, Paris, Fayard, 2009.

  • Edwards M., À la racine du feu. Selected poems (1972-1985), translated and introduced by Anne Mounic, charcoal drawings by Catherine Day, bilingual edition, Caractères, 2009, 2012 p.