
Manuel Schotté is Professor of Sociology at the University of Lille, researcher at CLERSE (UMR 8019), and member of the editorial board of the journal Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire. His work focuses mainly on sport, conceived as a laboratory for studying the manufacture of individual greatness. The book based on his thesis (La Construction du " talent ". La domination des coureurs marocains) provides a sociological account of the social determinants of sporting performance, based on both socio-historical and ethnographic research. In a recent book(La Valeur du footballeur. Socio-histoire d'une production collective), he shows that the extraordinary importance, both symbolic and economic, accorded to footballers today is the product of an overall configuration whose genesis he traces. He is currently working on a book that invites us to rethink charisma.

Manuel Schotté is a guest speaker at the 2024 " Les Jeux au Collège de France " lecture series.