Lucie Barbier

Lucie Barbier

Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) 2020-2024


Alumni (2020-2024), Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB)

Lucie Barbier did her doctoral research at the interface of cell biology, immunology and biophysics in the laboratory of Dr. Piel under the supervision of Dr. Vargas at the Institut Curie and the Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. She discovered a specific myosin II-dependent mechanism for immune cell migration in restricted environments.

In parallel to her research project, she is involved in public scientific communication within the framework of the Fête de la Science, the Apprentis Chercheurs program of Arbre des Connaissances association and the hosting of young students in high school internship.