Laure Lecoin

Laure Lecoin

Research Engineer, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB)


Laure is a CNRS research engineer with a background in developmental biology, genetics and neuroscience.

Following her veterinary thesis in Nantes, she did her Ph.D. directed by Pr Nicole Le Douarin in the Institut d'Embryologie du CNRS et du College de France. Then, she joined Pr Yanagisawa's lab for a postdoc.

She was recruited as an engineer in Institut Curie in Alain Eychene and Celio Pouponnot's lab where she developed several mouse mutants to study the glucose-responsive Mafa transcription factor role and regulation by phosphorylation.

She joined Gilles Fortin and Jean Champagnat's lab (Neuro PSI, Gif sur Yvette) to study breathing behavior of these mutants. She identified Mafa+ interneurons in the brainstem which controls obstructive apneas and showed that Mafa controls GABAergic activity in these neurons.

She joined the CIRB in 2020, in Nathalie Rouach's team, working with Armelle Rancillac on neuro-glial relationship in sleep behavior. She uses genetic approaches to explore astrocytes/neurons interactions in the hypothalamic pre-optic area.