Jean Dalibard is a physicist specializing inmatter-radiationinteraction, with aparticular focus onlasermanipulationofatoms.After studying at theÉcole normalesupérieure (1977-1981), he completed his doctorate under the supervision of Claude Cohen-Tannoudji from 1982 to 1986.He was a researcher at the CNRS until 2012, when he was elected to theCollège de France. He was also a professor at the École Polytechnique from 1989 to 2015.
Jean Dalibard heads the "Bose-Einstein Condensates" teamat the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel. The team comprises some twenty researchers, teacher-researchers, PhD students and post-docs. It conducts research focused on the study of ultra-cold matter at the Marcelin-Berthelot site of the Collège de France.
Jean Dalibard has been a visiting scientist at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (USA), the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University (UK), and has taught at severalforeignuniversities.He is a member of several learned societies,including theAcadémie des Sciences (France) and the National Academy of Sciences (USA). He was awarded the CNRS Gold Medal in 2021 for his life's work.