
Born in Algiers on July 15, 1942.


  • École polytechnique, Paris (1964, class of 62) ;
  • Joined INED (October 1965) ;
  • Expert demographer, Institut de démographie de Paris (1966) ;
  • Diplôme d'études supérieures en sciences économiques, University of Caen (1967) ;
  • PhD in economics, University of Paris-I (1972) ;
  • Visiting lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, (September 1974-June 1975) ;
  • Head of the Sociodemography Department at INED (1979-1992) ;
  • Head of research units at INED (1976-1979 and 1996-2001) ;
  • Director of the joint INSERM-Ined-Paris-XI unit (U569) "Epidemiology, demography and social sciences: reproductive health, sexuality and HIV infection" (2001-2006) ;
  • Director of GIS-Elfe (Enquête longitudinale française depuis l'enfance) (since March 2006) ;
  • Director of Emeritus Research at INED (since December 2007) ;
  • Associate Professor at the Collège de France (2008-2009).

Editorial responsibilities

  • Editor-in-Chief of "Collections de l'INED" (1989-1996) ;
  • Editor-in-Chief, Population magazine (1996-2002) ;
  • Member of theEditorial Board, International Studies in Demography, Oxford University Press (1990-2003) ;
  • Member of theEditorial Advisory Committee, Family Planning Perspectives (1990-2000) ;
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Population (Elsevier).

Selected bibliography

Latest issue

  • Leridon H. and De Marsally G., "Démographie, climat et alimentation mondiale", Académie des sciences, Rapport sur la science et la technologie, n° 32. Paris, EDP sciences, 2011.