
Born May 27 1931 in Qing Xian, Hebei Province, China. University of Peking (China).

Professional experience in China

  • Academic specialist in Chinese history
  • 1953-1963 : Assistant at the Faculty of History, Peking University (Beida)
  • 1963-1979 : Senior Lecturer, Peking University
  • 1979-1983 : Associate Professor, Peking University
  • Since 1983 : Professor, Faculty of History, Director of the Center for Medieval History of China and Director of Doctoral Theses in History, Peking University (Beida)

Professional activities abroad

  • 1981-1982 : Research at the Sinologisch Instituut in Leiden, Netherlands
  • 1985 : Participation in the International Congress of Historians in Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1987 : Visiting researcher at the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, Japan
  • 1987-1988 : Associate Director of Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), IVe section, Paris
  • 1989 : Participation in the Unesco conference on the Civilizations of Central Asia, Paris
  • 1989-1990 : Researcher on temporary contract at CNRS
  • Since 1990 : Active, unpaid member of the " Manuscripts of Dunhang " research team (URA 1063), EPHE IVe section, associated with the CNRS
  • 1990 : Guest lecturer at the École normale supérieure (ENS), Paris
  • 1990-1992 : Adjunct professor at the University of Geneva
  • 1991-1992 : Research fellow at the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), Paris
  • 1992-1993 : Guest lecturer at the École normale supérieure (ENS), Paris
  • 1993-1994 : Visiting Professor at the Collège de France, holding the annual International Chair

Unesco activities

  • Member of the international editorial board of L'Histoire des civilisations de l'Asie centrale
  • Co-editor-in-chief of the 3rd volume of The History of Civilizations of Central Asia
  • Vice-President of the International Association of Central Asian Civilization Studies

Main titles of lectures given

  • " Pre-modern China. Historical overview 
  • " Studies on the History of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) "
  • " China and the riparian states : history of relations with Turfan and Khotan in the Tang period "
  • " The socio-economic documents of Dunhuang and Turfan : materials for a new historical approach "
  • " Studies of certain Tang liu-dian regulations in the context of the Dunhuang and Turfan documents 

Selected bibliography

Main books and articles

  • Memoirs on Western Countries in the Great Tang Dynasty by the Buddhist Pilgrim Xüangzang (Hiouen Thsang)

    Zhang G. and Xianlin J. (eds.), Mémoires sur les Pays d'Occident à l'Époque de la Grande Dynastie des Tang par le Pèlerin bouddhiste Xüangzang (Hiouen Thsang), with textual criticism and commentary, Peking, Librairie Zhonghua, 1985, 1176 p.

  • History of the Kingdom of Khotan. Collection of articles

    Zhang G. and Xinjiang R. (coll.), Histoire du Royaume de Khotan. Recueil d'articles, Shanghai, Librairie de Shanghai, 1993, 356 p.

  • Selected historical studies. Texts and contexts of relations between the kingdoms of Central Asia and the Chinese empire in the Tang period (7th-10th centuries)

    Zhang G., Selected Historical Studies. Texts and contexts of relations between the kingdoms of Central Asia and the Chinese empire in the Tang period (7th-10thcenturies ), Shanghai, Shanghai Classical Press (Shanghai guji chubanshe), 1995.

  • Mongolian ordos under the Mongol-Ulus and the Yuan

    Zhang G., "Les ordos chez les Mongols sous le Mongol-Ulus et sous les Yuan", Suxinji. Recueil en Hommage au professeur Shao Xiungzheng, Beijing, Peking University Press, 1993, pp. 16-35.

  • bKas bcad rNam pa gsum. Three Vyutpattis written in Tibet in the early 9th century

    Zhang G., "bKas bcad rNam pa gsum. Trois Vyutpattis rédigés au Tibet au début du IXe siècle", Recueil en Hommage au professeur Zhou Yiliang, Beijing, Press of the Academy of Social Sciences, 1993, pp. 146-165.

  • La Chine et les civilisations de l'Asie centrale du VIIe au XIe siècle, opening lecture at the Collège de France, January 14, 1994

    Zhang G., La Chine et les civilisations de l'Asie centrale du VIIe au XIe siècle, Paris, Fayard/Collège de France, 1994.

  • The Oasis-states in the Tarim Basin, circa 250 A.D.-750 A.D.

    Zhang G., "The Oasis-states in the Tarim Basin, circa 250 A.D.-750 A.D.", A History of Civilisations of Central Asia, vol. 3, Unesco.

  • The Qoco Kingdom in Turfan

    Zhang G., "The Qoco Kingdom in Turfan", A History of Civilisations of Central Asia, vol. 3, Unesco.

  • Three examples of Mazdean influences in Tang China

    Zhang G., "Trois exemples d'influences mazdéennes dans la Chine des Tang", Études Chinoises, Mélanges de Sinologie offerts à M. Jacques Gernet, vol. XII, no. 1-2, 1994, pp. 203-219.