
Assistant to Antoine Compagnon, Élisabeth Russo is a non-permanent associate member of the République des savoirs Laboratory (ENS/ CNRS/Collège de France). A graduate of the École supérieure de commerce de Paris, she holds an agrégation in modern literature and is currently preparing a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Jean-François Louette at the Faculty of Letters, Sorbonne University. She contributed to the publication of Simone de Beauvoir's works in the Pléiade collection. Her work focuses on the novel during the 1940-1950 period, "   " the soft underbelly of feminism, which saw the publication of Le Deuxième Sexe. Drawing on a contrasting corpus that includes Beauvoir, Duras, Suzanne Allen, Béatrice Beck, Christiane Rochefort and Dominique Rolin, among others, she examines the fictions of the first sex in the novel. Thinking about gender through the relationship that women writers maintain with their male characters and the various masculinities they elaborate, leads her to reflect on the relationship between writing, the poetics of the novel and the facts of society. She has contributed to the journal Fixxion and taken part in a number of colloquia and conferences, at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Letters, Nanterre University and the École Polytechnique.