
Before embarking on in-depth studies in ancient Iranian languages, Céline Redard studied comparative linguistics, Sanskrit and Latin in Switzerland, graduating with a Licence ès lettres et sciences humaines. Since 2005, she has been concentrating on Iranian studies, and in particular on the Avestic language. With this in mind, in 2006 she produced a text study for her Master 2 degree entitled "Traduction et commentaire philologique du Yasna 62" (École pratique des hautes études).

In 2010, she defended a thesis entitled "Vīdēvdād 19: Edition critique, traduction et commentaires des textes avestique et moyen-perse". From 2008 to 2010, she held the position of temporary teaching and research associate for the Chair of Indo-Iranian Languages and Religions held by Professor Jean Kellens. She is now attached to the same chair as a research assistant.

At present, her research focuses on several areas. Firstly, she is currently working on a translation of the end of the Yasna (Y 62 to 70), in collaboration with Jean Kellens. She is also a member of the ANR "eschatologies" program, in which she is examining the eschatological lexicon of Avestic texts, studying the evolution of its semantic fields.

Finally, she is also involved in Alberto Cantera's project on the manuscript transmission of the Vīdēvdād and, as an extension of this undertaking, has also implemented the digitization of its manuscripts ( Avestan Digital Archive).